File size: 3.4 GB
Version: 1.7.9
Original Unity Version: 2018.3.0 or later
A large number of lava environments, systems, tools, textures, particles and models that allow you to simulate and create volcanoes, caves, dungeons interiors, lava rivers, lakes and oceans through flow charts.
LVE 2019-Lava and Volcanic Environments 2019 is a new rebuilt and extended version of LVE that is a big package of environments, systems, tools, textures, particles, post-processing stacks and models that allows you to create high-quality results for volcanoes, caves, interior decoration, rivers and render settings very cheaply. The spline and vertex drawing tools included in this package will support many very advanced systems/art. The simulation tool allows you to create lava rivers that are accurate to the terrain shape in 3 mouse clicks. You just set the first point and click “Simulate”. Physics scripts allow you to flow objects on the lava surface and heat them in real time. You can also heat static objects that come into contact with lava through our shaders and scripts. The rocks and textures in the package can also be used as asteroids or normal environments.