File size: 226.6 KB
Version: 1.0
Original Unity Version: 4.2.1 or higher
Everyone must have an animated preview extension. This extension allows you to preview any animated character or object directly in editor mode, yes, you don’t need to run the game! This is very convenient when you edit some large scenes and want to view animations in edit mode anytime, anywhere. Another great feature is that the plug-in also supports synchronizing particle FX time to animations. Imagine that when you want to make character skill FX, it is difficult to match particle FX time to skill animation frames. This plug-in can solve this problem. The presentation video function plays animations directly in editor mode and handles all logic in one window.
drag and drop, preview, set and complete. Lists all animations for preview. Drag the slider to preview the animation by frame. Easily play animation/FX forward/backward.