Unity插件 – 简易反馈系统 Easy Feedback Form

File size: 773.8KB

Version: 3.1.0

Original Unity Version: 2019.4.35 or later

Easy Feedback provides error reports and player feedback directly to you, simplifying error reporting and player feedback in Unity games!

What is simple feedback?

Easy Feedback simplifies error reporting and player feedback in Unity games by providing error reports and player feedback directly to you!


can submit detailed feedback and error reports from within the game with just the click of a button. With Trello, you can easily access these reports and organize them according to your preferences! Easy Feedback is very simple to set up and deploy, saves you development time and provides you with player feedback as soon as possible.

How does it work?

When a player submits a report, the system classifies it based on the type of feedback and directs it to a list in the Trello Kanban. Reports contain important metadata. This includes: screenshots taken when opening the feedback form, system information (operating system, CPU, GPU, etc.), quality settings (resolution, quality level, etc.), and a log of all messages, warnings, and exceptions since the feedback form. The last report.

All of this information is in Markdown format on Trello for easy reading and allowing you to focus on the game.


error reports and feedback are sent directly to Trello. Configuration is completed and feedback is started within 5 minutes. Reports are automatically classified and organized. Customizable report categories Report labels Detailed reports include: Unity screenshots debugging logs and exceptions All recorded messages, warnings, errors and exceptions System information (operating system, CPU, GPU, etc.) Player information (resolution, quality level, etc.) Multiple custom file attachments Highly customizable custom form elements API input system support