Unity插件 – 几何算法 Geometry Algorithms

File size: 723.5KB

Version: 2.3.3

Original Unity Version: 2018.4.21 or later

Geometric algorithms are a set of algorithms that help you generate or improve complex geometric shapes from any dataset What are the main features of


triangulation-This algorithm creates a ready-to-use Unity mesh or raw geometry from any set of points. 2D and 2.5D (e.g. terrain) datasets support constrained Delaunay triangulation, so you can add boundaries and holes to generate more complex geometry. Triangulation in 3D space is also possible, but only limited to convex shapes.

Hull algorithm-finds the boundaries of any point dataset that can be used for visualization purposes or for further calculations (for example, using boundaries to create constrained triangles). Convex and concave hulls can be generated for 2D and 2.5D datasets. In 3D, it is limited to the convex hull.

Voronoi diagram-Create a valid Voronoi diagram from any 2D or 3D dataset

extrusion algorithm-Create an extrusion 3D shape

thread from any 2D shape-all algorithms can be called asynchronous. Users do not need extra effort.

real-time-all methods are implemented in a way that can be used in real time even when processing large data sets. By leveraging threading capabilities, larger data sets can be processed in real time. Is


easy to use? With just two lines of code, you should be able to use any algorithm in this asset. To help you get started, the geometric algorithm comes with several example scenarios and detailed documentation. However, if you encounter any problems, you can always contact me using the contact information at the top or bottom of this page.