File size: 24.5MB
Version: 6.5.2
Original Unity Version: 2019.4.30 or later
Obi is an advanced particle-based physics engine that simulates the behavior of various deformable materials.
If it has Burst, Jobs, Collections, and Mathematics resource packs, it can be compatible with all platforms on which Burst can compile. Without these resource packs, it can still run, but only on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android platforms.
Obi Cloth leverages particle-based physics to present high-quality, flexible and easy-to-use cloth simulations.
Function: -Unified solution for character costumes, normal and tearable fabrics. – Bidirectional rigid body interaction. – Modular solution: Don’t waste performance, use only the limitations your fabric needs. – Each module can adjust the iterative calculation of the solver. – Cloth proxy: Use low-resolution simulations to drive high-resolution meshes. You can also use skin grids! – Balloon physics slot volume limitations. – Independent stretching and bending limits. – Cloth can be applied to a hard body. – Cloth can collide with itself or other fabrics. – Aerodynamic models based on physics. – Easy to use integrated editing tools: selection, brush selection, brush, smoothing, attribute import/export… When editing cloth, you never have to leave Unity. – Supports all Unity collision machines. – Automatic removal of cameras. – Easily scalable modular architecture.
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