File size: 83.9MB
Version: 3.5.3
Original Unity Version: 2019.4.38 or later
Runtime Editor is a set of scripts and prefab that help you create scene editors, level editors, or build your own modeling applications. It supports drag-and-drop, undo and redo, and selecting APIs. To implement the user interface and core functions, the runtime editor uses transformation handles, widgets, archive loading subsystems, and three controls: menus, virtualized tree views, and docking panels.
functions: Position, rotate, stretch deformation handles; mesh, box selection, scene widgets; deformation handles mobile and AR core support; global and local coordinates; local and center pivot point modes; vertex and mesh capture; collider, light and sound source widgets; scene navigation, orthogonal and perspective views; undo and redo APIs; object selection API; object life cycle events; game and edit modes; configurable viewer; Component and material editor; 16 built-in property editors; added component control; multiple scene and shot support; docking panel and window management; dialogues, message boxes and confirmations; easy extension with new windows; configurable main menu and context menu; fast virtualized tree view; configurable save and load subsystem; easy-to-use project API; static and dynamic resource support; resource bundle support; Multi-project support;