
Found 628 results related to "Unity"
Unity Plugin Unity3D Game Assets

Unity plugins-Force Field plugins

File size 232.7 MB Version 2.41 Supports Unity version 5.3.6 or higher New: Spacecraft model·"Reactor and hangar" scene·Edge fading and vertex animation shaders. Main features: ·Suitable for multiple contacts and collisions on any surface.·Fully control the impact point and block...
Unity Plugin Unity3D Game Assets

Unity plugins-Face Analyzer plugins

File size: 581.3 MB Version: 2.2 Supported Unity Version: 2018.4.23 or higher Face Analyzer is a deep learning-based face analyzer plug-in that is trained on 150,000+ datasets and the OpenCV/NCNN API for Unity C#. It provides: 1) 51/84 facial feature...
Unity Plugin Unity3D Game Assets

Unity plugins-Highlighting System

File size: 5.9 MB Version: 5.0 Supported Unity Version: 2017.2.0 or higher The Highlighting System package allows you to easily integrate contour lighting effects for highlighted objects in Unity projects. Main features: ·Used as image effects on camera·Compatible with forward...