Unity插件 – 轨道瞄准系统 Orbital Aiming System

File size: 5.3 MB

Version: 1.0

Original Unity Version: 2019.4.3 or later

Orbital Sight System is a universal, Mecanim-based aiming animation and recoil system with the following characteristics:

is compatible with most Mecanim characters. Compatible with most standard role controllers, independent of user or artificial intelligence controls. A 360-degree aiming window around the Y axis. A sighting window of 157.5 degrees around the X axis (90° up; 67.5° down) fully controls the available sighting windows based on each character. Animation regulations for transitioning between aiming and non-aiming states. The aiming speed is adjustable. There are four positioning methods for


: ray casting from an object (usually a camera), mouse to world positionTransform based on constants, world and local positions, offset Transform based on target relative, world and local positions, offset.

For the “mouse to world” and “ray casting from object” target acquisition methods, 0% to 100% target lock, with world and local position offsets. Targeting regulations for projectiles affected by gravity. Support hand direction for rifle and shotgun types. The hand position of each weapon can be adjusted. The finger direction of each weapon can be adjusted. Supports the most common vertical, horizontal and angled rifle and shotgun grip types.


are suitable for dynamic recoil systems for individual weapons. They have: adjustable kick intensity, adjustable recoil in four directions (up, down, left, right), adjustable speed and recovery time, additional recoil for multiple shots, adjustable soft and hard caps to achieve additional recoil