, Unity插件 – 编辑器扩展插件 Color Studio,


2024.02.16 newer version

file size: 2.1 MB

version: 4.1.1

support Unity version: 2019.4.13 or higher

Color Studio is a powerful editor extension Lets you:

a) create attractive palettes with various tools integrated in an easy-to-use editor window,

b) create or edit textures and sprites in the editor using the powerful Pixel Painter window, and

c) recolor any game objects, including skinned objects and sprites, both in the editor and at run time.

uses Color Studio, and you can use color theory to create program color combinations that look good.

texture and sprite authoring

use the integrated Pixel Art Painter window to create or edit textures and sprites.

includes different brushes, widths and shapes.

advanced brushes, such as dimming, lightening, vividness, dryness, tonal noise, gradients.

rotates, replaces, flips, or resizes the drawing canvas.

mirror drawing support.

seamless mode preview.

Zoom and Pan support.

is designed to improve productivity and ease of use, including complete undo / redo support.

palette creation and management function:

automatically generates color swatches according to different algorithms, shadows and tone counts. Use the interactive color wheel to visualize your results in real time.

generates gradients and color combinations, including complementary colors, tricolor / square, stress analogies, etc.

can customize the palette by adding / removing custom colors.

customizes saturation, brightness, and overall color temperature.

loads / saves the palette as ScriptableObject. Manage all palettes in the project from one view.

generates C # code from color values as an array.

imports the ASE palette (Adobe Swatch Exchange format).

editor extension:

your palette remains visible in a convenient editor window. ” The

includes a compact view that displays only the current palette. It’s useful for the Unity color picker because you always have your favorite palette / color on hand.

color conversion tool:

generates LUT from any palette and uses it with assets such as Beautify to quickly color the entire scene based on the palette.

selects a game object to display its main color / texture and the recommended color / transform texture based on the current palette. Click to export the proposed texture.

recolor game objects and sprites at run time: add a “recolor” script to game objects or sprites to automatically change their colors (materials, textures, or vertex colors) in real time based on any color palette.

can specify the operation of each color (retain the original color or replace it with a custom color).

can apply LUT or color rating options to individual game objects or sprites.