Unity插件 – VR设计框架 VR Design Frames

File size: 2.0 MB

Version: 1.0

Original Unity Version: 2017.1.0 or later

Creating a complete VR experience is quite complex compared to any other design concept. The tool visualizes the best VR design concepts currently under development. The package is an out-of-the-box solution for rapid prototyping and debugging. It helps you locate and find the right location in the 3D dimension to guide players ‘attention. It creates 3D elements based on your camera and creates 2D elements as game view overlays. Characteristics of



* Build VR story frameworks at runtime * Support for the most common VR platforms * No coding required * Zero settings-just drag and drop scripts onto the camera * Lightweight solution * Tooltips provided in the checker * Clean and simple editor integration * Adjustable configuration during Playmode

VR Design Frames is a complete solution for Unity 2017 +.