Unity插件 –  程序守护 Selection Keeper for Unity

File size: 36.7KB

Version: 1.2.0

Original Unity Version: 5.4.0 or higher

Maintain your choices in scene loading and playback mode changes.

maintains the selected content during scene loading. Normally, once another scene is loaded, your options are lost. After loading each scene in game mode, this plug-in restores your selections.

contains the complete source code

file size is small (<40KB)

It is pure code and is placed in the plug-in/editor by default.

is compatible with Unity 5.4+, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022,..

Yes, it has been around for a while;-)

ˇ Install the

download resource and import it into your project. You have done it, no additional settings are required. A new menu called “Selection Keeper” will be available under “Tools” in the main menu bar of


. Check it after the import is complete.

information: Resource files will be copied to/Assets/Plugins/SelectionKeeper/Editor. Settings and manual files will be created in the same location.