Unity插件 – 代理渲染插件 AutoLOD – Impostors

2024.03.13 Updated version

File Size: 344.6 MB

Version: 4.1.1

Original Unity Version: 2020.3.34 or higher

AutoLOD-Imposters is a simple tool that provides complete Imposters management from baking to rendering and has automatic LODGroup settings.

AutoLOD-Imposters is not fully compatible with HDRP, but you can still bake any compatible object in a URP project and use it in HDRP using the HDRP toolkit. Only the baking part is not supported.

What is AutoLOD-Imposters?

AutoLOD-Imposters is a billboard whose material displays pictures of 3D objects. Depending on the perspective, different pictures of the object will be displayed to fake the 3D effect.