Unity插件 – 城市建设者 Simple City Builder

File size: 15.4 MB

Version: 2.3

Original Unity Version: 2019.2.2 or later

This is a simple city builder (SCB) using SCB to create city construction games, just like many popular games on the mobile market, or any type of novel and original city or town construction game.

functions: – Contains all source code (c#)-Unity 2017x support-uGui only (no additional resources required)-Mobil-friendly

feature details-3D Urban Building Framework-Tile Grid (with grid capture)-Basic UI settings-Camera controller-Astar Path Finder-Wizard and Wizard Table Editor-Attack system-Wall system-9 building types (City Hall), cabins, gold mines, gold storage room, Elixir extractor, Elixir Storage Room, Military Camp)-uGui Basic Game UI (Covering windows, shop windows, etc.)-Sound FX scripts-Camera controller-Resource generation + collection-and Unity 2019 compatibility

for all platforms-Android-iOS (tested iPhone)-Console-Desktop PC / Mac games

Using this kit, it’s very simple to create city building games!