, Unity插件 – 代码编辑器 Script Inspector 3,


2024.05.12 plug-in updated version

file size: 2.1MB

version: 3.1.7.f

original Unity version: 4.0.0 or higher

Si3 is an advanced IDE (a code editor) for scripts, shaders and text resources to be seamlessly integrated into the Unity editor. Si3 comes with context-sensitive auto-completion of C # scripts, as well as a range of other tools, hotkey bindings and mouse processing.

Si3 shocked you-it is so fast!

Si3 comes with a custom advanced C # parsing and code analysis engine! Thanks to its novel approach to code analysis (a mix of Net mapping and progressive syntax and semantic analysis techniques), Si3 can easily outperform any other integrated development environment (yes, even Visual Studio! ) Open the file immediately! Code changes are immediately reflected in its internal data structures, analysis trees, and type models in the form of symbolic tables. Then these changes will be immediately reflected in all your scripts…

you will enjoy Unity from nothing!

programming with Si3 in Unity is now a very smooth and enjoyable experience. Programmers can finally focus on their tasks without waiting for the external IDE to run, load the right script, or jump to the right line of code.

main function:-automatic completion of C # code That is, the so-called IntelliSense-customizable code screenshots-code generator for Unity magic methods-code generator for override methods-automatic completion of parentheses-automatic indentation-automatic save and reload-quick check static fields and properties-quick check MonoBehaviour fields and properties-easy execution of parameter-free quiz State method-each resource has unlimited and separate undo and redo buffers-quickly find the call stack in the console log entries-code symbols and # region navigation-go to definition-use filtering to find all references-Unity script references-MSDN references. Net symbol-cursor history navigation-search / quick search / find in file-replace in file with preview and selection-global undo / redo after replacement in file-highlighting of semantics and syntax-highlighting of errors-highlighting of read / write references-highlighting of matching parentheses-version control (including P4Connect) Integration-multiple hand-selected fonts and color themes-contains complete source code!