Unity插件 – 游戏数据库可扩展开发插件 Vault Core

Vault is the client database system for the game. It is built on ScriptableObjects inherited from its basic DataEntity class and can support any type of content.

Vault Core is your game’s database, developer’s design dashboard, and developer’s highly extensible API.

How does it work?

It uses ScripttableObject asset files to define “data entities” in the game. These are editors that are modified through the Vault dashboard window. Programmers can easily extend the DataEntity class and create new DataEntities types. These appear as design options in the dashboard, allowing you to create instances of these classes and automatically store them in the database. Implementation is as simple as defining the fields for your type, and then interacting with the built-in type filtering drop-down list to reference the instances you want.

Why do I need it?

If you need a simple data/design solution with minimal settings and high scalability, then this is the tool for you. There are a large number of database and design tool solutions. Vault is a simple, intuitive, non-invasive project database system that uses the tried and tested and very powerful ScripttableObject class to store all data in the project. It is simple, powerful and almost future-oriented.

official website link: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/vault-core-112134?_ ga=2.105330181.783440907.1638168916-1071018362.1638065768