Unity插件 – 库存引擎 Inventory Engine

File size: 52.2 MB

Version: 3.0

Original Unity Version: 5.6.1 or higher

Inventory Engine is Unity’s simple and flexible inventory solution.

It’s a minimalist design and gives you everything you need to create inventory, items, display them and plug them into your game. Also included in the Corgi engine (Unity’s best platform gaming asset) and the TopDown engine, it is a proven and field-tested solution that makes it easy to get the job done.


function list: ·Inventory management·Inventory display·Item creation·Item operation: Pick, drop, equip, unload, use, move, Exchange * Persistence Manager (Used for inventory and everything else)·Local multiplayer support·Weapon bars tied to various inputs· PixelRogue demonstration scenarios·Minimum demonstration scenarios·Stackable items·Storage boxes·Conditional operations·Device inventory·Internal and external inventory navigation·Saving and loading inventory·Automatic inventory display settings·Hot bars·Select flags·Inventory sounds·Corgi engine integration·Top-down engine integration