Unity插件 – 无缝纹理生成器 Seamless Texture Generator

File size: 7.9MB

Version: 1.1.1

Original Unity Version: 2018.4.36 or later

Seamless Texture Generator is a simple but convenient tool to use in the Unity Editor. You can mark the edges of the texture to make them appear seamless and balance the dark and light areas of the texture. Description The

Seamless Texture Generator is a simple but convenient tool to use in the Unity Editor. The

seamless texture generator will loop your textures so that you can tile them and it won’t be as obvious. With a collection of parameters in a clean window, you can adjust your target results with a quick preview. The plug-in also comes with more tools, one of which is a color equalizer/pleasantner, which allows you to mask the brightest or darkest parts of the texture with another texture.

It can be used to improve the albedo of PBR workflows or improve the tiling of texture.

If you don’t like using a.tga or.tiff file, there are tools that can convert any image to.png, and the texture of all materials to.png with one click. The last additional tool for

is a window for injecting color channels-helpful when working with shaders and packaging multiple color maps into a single file. The

algorithm supports image file formats such as.jpg .png .exr and.tga

algorithms also support making seamless textures for normal maps!