Unity插件 – 塔防游戏工具包 Tower Defense Toolkit 4 file size: 10.3 MB Version: 4.1 f2 Supported Unity Version: 5.5.0 or higher

TDTK is a C#coding framework used to easily build any type of TD game. It comes with a series of flexible and configurable scripts to adapt to various TD game scenarios. It is compatible with mobile devices.

This toolkit is designed to be used with custom models and art assets. You can easily integrate your artistic assets to create your unique TD game. Some distinctive features of

TDTK: – Support for multiple game mechanics and a large number of customization options-Easy to use and flexible path system offering almost unlimited design options-Support for multiple unit roles for towers and creeps (Turret, support, Spawning device, etc.)-Configure large amounts of statistics for various unit states/effects/buffs/debuffs-Support for program generation and endless modes-Ability system supports custom player capabilities-Perk system supports building custom technology trees/skill books-Compatible with mobile devices-Easy integration of custom models/assets-No coding required (Everything can be done through the editor)-The complete c#source code includes a link to the

official website: assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/game-toolkits/tower-defense-toolkit-4-tdtk-4-91023