, Unity插件 – 节点画布 NodeCanvas,


2024.04.14 update plug-in version

file size: 1.2MB

version: 3.3.0

original Unity version: 2019.4.39 or higher

for Unity’s complete visual behavior creation solution, can help you create advanced AI behavior and logic Including three independent, fully functional but smooth switching modules for you to choose from, easily add to the game


function highlights-● three fully switchable graphics modules for you to choose from. ● has a stylish and intuitive visual node editor with all the expected professional features. (undo / redo all, zoom in / out, mini map, multi-select, copy, copy / paste, JSON import / export, groups, comments, etc.) ● graphics, GameObject, and global blackboard variables to create reusable and agent-centric parameter behavior. ● has data-bound variables for instance or static properties and fields. ● uses UNET’s network synchronization variable (Network Sync Variable). (since UNET is now deprecated, it will be replaced with a new network solution.) variables that can be overridden by ● preforms. ● automatically converts different variable data types. ● supports all variable types out of the box. The reusable behavior graph of ● across all number of agents. Seamless sub-graphics nesting between all three graphics modules of ●. (behavior subtree, substate machine, subconversation tree) ● complete subgraph variable parameterization and mapping. ● modular action and conditional task design. ● conditional response behavior tree evaluation. ● conditional and stack-based FSM transitions. ● colorful and informative run-time visual debugging. ● node / task browser for searching, favorites, and reading built-in documents. ● preferred Type Configurator to customize type-related menus based on project requirements. ● graphics mini map for easy browsing of graphics. ● graphics console, you can automatically locate the fault node with a mouse click. ● graphics browser for searching and finding nodes, tasks, and parameters in the diagram. ● graphics reconstructor to batch reconstruct missing nodes, tasks, and reflection references. ● real-time runtime editing to achieve design goals more quickly. ● optimized reflection tasks to automatically integrate existing code API. ● has a built-in event system to communicate and transfer data in graphics. ● has a clear and well-documented API to extend the NodeCanvas framework and create its own actions, conditions, nodes, and even entirely new graphics modules. The ● object and the property painter to customize the inspector in all possible ways. ● integrates with a large number of third-party resources. ● integrates seamlessly with FlowCanvas flowScripts. ● is user-friendly. Lightweight. No setting is required. The ● performance is stable. Zero allocation after initialization. Asynchrony loading. ● supports all platforms out of the box. ● contains all the C # source code! ● and more…