, Unity插件 – 在线地图插件 Online Maps v3,


file size: 13.4MB

version: 3.8.3

original Unity version: 2019.4.31 or higher

Online Maps is a general-purpose multi-platform mapping solution for 2D, 3D, AR/VR and mobile applications and games. Fully customizable, easy to learn and use, it is also one of the most powerful and flexible solutions in the industry. Support a wide range of services to meet any cartographic needs and integrate with the best resource store resources. The resource bundle contains complete source code with no dependencies, and you can easily add or change some features as needed. No programming experience or understanding that C #-Online Maps supports visual scripting using Bolt and Playmaker. All the functionality required to create any map in a resource in Unity.

features: Unity 2017.4 LTS and later; rendering pipelines: standard RP, URP, HDRP; independent platforms, Android, iOS, Windows Store, WebGL; online and offline maps; 2D and 3D maps with elevation; 2D, 3D, billboards and custom tags; you can display maps anywhere: on UI, in the scene, or as textures A large number of predefined block sources: Google Maps, Mapbox,ArcGIS, Nokia Maps, Bing Maps, Open Street Maps and many other map items (16 providers, 88 map types); ability to create your own map styles or use your own block sources (e.g., WMS); multilingual maps with or without tags; powerful block, altitude and custom data caching system Support for Google API network services: Direction API, Elevation API, Geocode API, Places API, Places Autocomplete API, Roads API; other Web services: AMap search, Bing map elevation API, Bing map location API, HERE routing API, Open Route service guide, Open Route service geocoding, Open Street Map Nominatim, Open Street Map Overpass API, QQ search, What 3 Words; use uPano to display street view view Other features: GPS (with simulator), traffic, overlay, drawing API, runtime 3D building; integration: Bolt ​, Curved UI ​​​ 2 ​​​, EasyTouch, Fingers-Touch Gestures, NGUI, Playmaker, Real World Terrain, TouchScript, uContext, uPano; easy-to-use and powerful API. A large number of examples of use are included. Sample atlas; built-in update system.