Unity插件 – 移动漂移物理系统 Mobile Drift Physics

File size: 22.4MB

Version: 1.1 Beta

Original Unity Version: 2020.3.14 or later

Use a package that contains a ready-to-the-the-the-box drivable car bag to start your mobile drift racing game.

All vehicles and environments are included in the package. The 15-page documentation in


explains all components well. It also includes an advanced section for developers.

A new auxiliary arcade rafting style inspired by popular simulator games.

Vehicle PolyCount Details:

Vertex: 10k-20k

three: 10k-20k

Texture Resolution:

Skin: 1k

Maximum Resolution: 2k

Collision Mesh: Few mesh generates colliders. Developers can manually select meshes and add mesh collider components.

objects: Texture-based separation objects.

Textures, maps and materials: Using Unity’s standard shaders, different objects have different textures and materials.