Unity插件 – 简易贴图贴花插件 Easy Decal

File size: 403.2 MB

Version: 2021.4.1

Original Unity Version: 4.7.2 or higher

easy decal provides you with an easy-to-use workflow to attach decals to all types of surfaces in the game world. Enrich details in your virtual world and take your game environment to the next level.

Easy Decal not only supports diffraction textures and normal maps, but also supports various shaders and materials. You can easily apply decals to huge rugged surfaces-its dynamic geometry generator automatically adjusts all required parameters (UVs, tangents, normals, etc.) in the blink of an eye. With just one tool, you can make your decals available anywhere. Key features of


·Available for all Unity versions·Complete editor integration·Custom materials and shaders·Contains ready-to-use preforms·Contains more than 80 different decals· 3D projection (Convert, rotate, zoom)·Dynamic geometry·Texture map editor·Decal animation·Edge blending·Grid decals·Screen space decals·Screen space decals for LWRP/URP [beta]·Delayed decals·Static grids (requires box/grid collider)·Extensively tested

by Oculus Rift