Unity插件 – 地形转网格插件 Terrain To Mesh

file size: 24.8 MB Version: 2022.6 Supported Unity Version: 2019.4.0 or higher

A tool used to convert Unity Terrain resources to grids.

·Ultrafast converter.

·Generates complete top point control of the grid.

·Grid segmentation system.

· 16-bit and 32-bit grid support.

·Spatmap shader-Mics Unity’s built-in terrain shader and supports 16 layers.

·Basemap exporter-Bakes all terrain rendering textures into a texture file.

·Tree, grass and detail mesh exporter.

·Hole diagram exporter.

·Terrain to OBJ exporter.

·Editor and runtime API.

·Supports all rendering pipelines. Link to the official website of


: assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/terrain-to-mesh-2021-195349