Unity插件 – 地形村庄道路河流关卡设计插件 GeNa Pro

2024.03.05 Updated plug-in version

File Size: 450.8 MB

Version: 3.5.7

Support Unity Version: 2019.4.0 or higher

GeNa Pro is a complex level design system that allows you to quickly and intuitively create beautiful levels for your games or simulations. The main advantage of


is easy to use. A better environment. Save a lot of time. Quality that can be replicated through automation. Better frame rate (depending on the situation). Better lighting. Fun! The main characteristics of


single, global, painting, spline and map-based generation modes. Scalable oviposers, decorators and splines and urban building systems. Generate textures, grass, trees, prefabricated parts, structures, towns, rivers, roads. Automated map generation systems find the best spaces for villages, generate them, and then connect them to roads. Automatic road generation system based on gradient path finding. Automatic river generation system with flow-based path finding. Suitable for terrain and grids that span multiple terrain patches. Automatic preform optimization system. Automatic optical probe placement. Edit and run-time generation modes. Physics-based spawning in the editor. API is controllable.