Unity插件 – 混淆器插件 Obfuscator

File size: 1010.5KB

Version: 3.10.0

Original Unity Version: 2018.4.36 or higher

This resource can obfuscate your code and make it more difficult for ill-intentioned people to reverse engineer your project. Designed specifically for Unity and seamlessly linked to the build process.

The first priority for this resource pack is to use it directly without additional steps. Other obfuscators can stop the game working, while Beebyte’s obfuscator looks for relevant Unity-specific code that must be protected. The content of the source file remains unchanged, and confusion is only for compiled assemblies.


-support IL2CPP-support assembly definition files (Unity 2017.3+)-Delete namespace, Without any conflicts-Identify Unity-related code that is not allowed to change-Rename classes †-Rename methods-Rename parameters-Rename fields-Rename attributes-Rename events-String text obfuscation-Add fake methods-Easily make extensive customization using the Unity Detection Panel window-Consistent name translation across multiple versions and developers-semantically secure password naming conventions

for renaming members This resource is available for Unity Free Edition and Unity Pro 4.2.0 and later (including Unity 5, 2017-2020). Build goals include independent platforms, Android, iOS, WebGL, and UWP. Other platforms are not guaranteed or supported, but may support them in the future. The

+MonoBehaviour class can be renamed up to and including Unity 2018.1 versions. Independent platform builds include versions 2018.2 and above, excluding builds as Xcode projects.