Unity插件 – 毛发修饰工具 Fluffy Grooming Tool

2024.05.06 Updated version

File Size: 99.3 MB

Version: 1.2.3

Support Unity Version: 2021.2.0 or higher

Fluffy is a complete hair and short hair grooming solution in the Unity editor. It also supports Alembic hair and fur created in third-party applications.


support string-based and card-based hair. Hair coloring is based on Disney’s Marschner model, a solution that supports all three rendering pipelines. The tool works similar to Maya’s xGen and similar solutions.

Fluffy supports alpha sorting, so you can use transparent materials with the correct Z-sorting. It can be used with any shader, so it can be used without creating any custom shaders. The solution has built-in gravity, wind, physics and colliders, and uses computational shaders for simulation, making it very fast.

You can make everything from AAA fur for high-end PCs and game consoles, to simple fur that works well on mobile devices.