Unity插件 – 重新定义色彩 COLR – Coloring Redefined

File size: 20.0 MB

Version: 2.5.0

Original Unity Version: 2020.3.32 or later

This resource supports built-in (standard) rendering pipelines and universal rendering pipelines (URP / LWRP).

COLR is a set of shaders designed to quickly and easily color objects. Colr lets you bypass lighting and directly select the color of the side of the material, helping you achieve a stylish and consistent game appearance.

Colr Features: ·Color everything: Apply directional (on each side) gradients and/or solid colors to objects; fill the sky box with gradients·No lighting is used, so execution is fast and the appearance is clean.·Suitable for mobile devices·Diffuse texture maps can be used if needed, but they are not required in any way.·Adjustable. Provides a variety of convenient parameters for you to adjust·Easy to use. Can be used on any object, just assign the shader to the material·Includes three different demonstration scenes with a large number of presets and models


Note: Since Unity 5.5.0, lightmaps in the shader code cannot be detected. If you use lightmapping (which we fully recommend), turn it on in the COLR material properties.