Unity插件 – 洞穴和悬垂物地形制作 MCS Caves & Overhangs

File Size: 24.8MB Version: 1.27 Supported Unity Version: 2017.1.5 or higher

This extension requires Mesh Combine Studio 2

Features: * Compatible with any rock asset package. * Compatible with Unity terrain, any voxel terrain and terrain mesh solutions. * Reduce draw calls by using combinations based on MCS units. * Much faster than GPU instantiation. * The geometric size is reduced by approximately 60-80%. * The rendering speed is about 3 times faster. * Overdrawing on the GPU is reduced approximately 3x. * ~3x cheap shadows. * The required lightmap texture space is reduced approximately 3x (when using lightmaps). * Compared to static batch or classic combinations, the memory required is approximately 3 times less. * Cheaper collider (physics). * Support lightmapping. * Support LOD

official website: assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/mcs-Caves-overhangs-144413